Asgard Launch Pad Slicing Instructions
The STL Files
There are only three STL files needed to print this launch pad:
- Stage.stl which is the 3D file for the main launchpad platform.
- Arm.stl which is the 3D file for the vertical supports.
- Exhaust.stl which is the 3D files for the “rocket exhausts”.
What filament to use?
Use PETG, which is more heat resistant than PLA, for the main platform (stage.stl) and supports (arm.stl). If you have never printed with PETG before, then be warned that it can adhere tenaciously to your build plate (sometimes tearing off chunks of the PEI coating). Here are some tips for using PETG:
- If printing on a smooth PEI sheet, use a “beat up” one that you don’t mind getting more beat up. In fact, I reserve a PEI sheet specifically for printing PETG.
- Don’t clean the PEI sheet too well! It sounds a little gross, but some oil from your hands and accumulated dirt prevents the PETG from sticking too strongly.
- Only use Windex for clearing the PEI sheet. Don’t use alcohol!
Slicing stage.stl
Here are the general setting I use for slicing the stage.stl file:
- ORIENTATION: “Really Koo Stuff” facing up (see photo)
- LAYER HEIGHT: 0.2 mm
- INFILL: 15 percent
- INFILL PATTERN: Rectilinear (stronger than other patterns)
Increasing infill around screw holes
Now, we need to increase the infill to 80 percent around the center opening and the 4 holes for the M5 screws. This provides extra support around these opening so that the plastic does not deform when we tighten the screws. I would NOT use 100 percent infill which can cause bad things to happen if your printer tends to overextrude.
So how do we do this?
In PrusaSlicer, you can do this by:
- Right clicking the the Stage.stl file on the right hand panel
- Then select “Add modifier”
- Then select “Cylinder”
This will add a cylinder on the build plate that you can move around.
If you are using other slicing software, the technique should be similar. Please refer to your slicing software’s documentation.
- On the right panel, right click on “Generic-Cylinder”.
- Then, select “Infill”.
- On the bottom of that panel, change the infill density to 80 percent.
Basically, we have told PrusaSlicer to increase the infill density inside this cylinder to 80 percent. The rest of the object will have the lower global infill.
- Now do the same procedure for all the screw holes.
- You may need to increase the size of the cylinder around the center opening.
If you sliced the file correctly, the final result on your printer should looks something like this when it’s printing. Notice that the infill density is much higher around the screw holes.
Slicing Arms.stl
Thankfully, slicing the arms is much easier! The important thing here is to increase the infill to 20 percent and to use 4 layer parameter to increase the strength of the arms. Here are the settings I use for slicing the arm.stl file:
- ORIENTATION: See photo
- LAYER HEIGHT: 0.2 mm
- INFILL: 20 percent
- INFILL PATTERN: Rectilinear
Slicing Exhaust.stl
The six exhausts are just for decoration, so how you slice this files is not that important. The only tricky issues is that there is a tiny alignment notch on the rim of the exhaust that will prevent you from printing it with the rim facing down (see photo for proper orientation on your build plate). You will likely need to add a brim/raft to increase its surface area to the build plate.
Resin printed decorative exhausts can also be purchased separately.